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Discover the importance of self-care for parents. Find tips and strategies to prioritize your well-being while raising your child.
Pursue self-care for parents to sustain your well-being and balance. 17 million kids in the U.S. are struggling. Your donation will be matched 2X. ... This article was last reviewed or updated on December 3, 2024. ... This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Get updates on our latest clinical care services and resources for children’s mental health.Self-care helps parents stay balanced, present, and set a positive example for their children. How can self-care improve your ability to parent with patience and joy? What self-care practices can fit into a busy parenting schedule? Why is asking for help and building a support network essential for parents? ... Being a parent can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s also demanding.When you take care of yourself, you’re better able to parent with patience, joy, and presence. You’ll also be setting a positive example for your children, demonstrating that it’s important and healthy to take care of yourself.Friends and family members can be great helpers — but they likely won’t know how to support you unless you ask them directly for what you need. Practicing self-care for parents means recognizing when and how to seek support. Yes, taking good care of yourself will help you to be more available for your children.
How do you manage kid's behaviour well? Best Parenting Advice.com identifies six parenting skills to create well behaved kids: Encouraging gratitude instead of entitlement, respect instead of resistance, having clear expectations, positive experiences, using natural consequences and consistency.
6 Steps for Managing Behaviour Well: Best Parenting advice.com identifies six parenting skills to create well behaved kids: Encouraging gratitude instead of entitlement, respect instead of resistance, having clear expectations, positive experiences, using natural consequences and consistency.Best Parenting advice.com provides free online resources for busy parents who want the best practical advice on: how to give kids a best start in life, better tips for parenting toddlers, effective child rearing strategies, behaviour management tips, successful goal setting and organizational strategies for successful families, easy family dinner recipes, self-care tips for time-poor parents and free kids learning games.But there are additional negative parenting strategies that are less obvious that can also be damaging to your child. ... There's a long list of what not to do in parenting. But what actually works well is:Put a morning routine in place so young children can predict what's expected. This supports them being cooperative & to start each day off well.
Improving health, wellbeing and parenting skills in parents of children with special health care needs and medical complexity – a scoping review ... Parenting children with special health care needs can be challenging particularly if children have complex conditions.
While many parents will adjust to their child’s conditions [5, 6], others will experience ongoing distress that can be associated with poorer health outcomes for parents, the child and other family members [7]. Increased healthcare use offers opportunities to identify and respond to parental support needs. Providing effective interventions within routine care settings may be a particularly feasible and effective way of offering support when parents have increased support needs. A broad range of interventions have been designed to address parent and caregiver health, wellbeing and parenting from a range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.These included increasing adaptation and adjustment, competence, confidence, coping, empowerment, health, positive functioning, positive emotions, self-efficacy, self-care, self-regulation, self-satisfaction, psychological flexibility, psychological health, quality of life, resilience, and wellbeing. Interventions also aimed to reduce anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, distress, negative emotions, performance-based self-esteem and post-traumatic stress disorder. Targets around the relationship between the parent, their child, wider support network or professionals were also mentioned including bonding, child behavior management, clinician-family communication, conflict within families or with health care teams, family functioning, parental acceptance of child, parent-child relationship, parenting practices and social support.A randomised trial of early palliative care for maternal stress in infants prenatally diagnosed with single-ventricle heart disease. Cardiol Young. 2018;28(4):561–70. ... Danuser U, Estermann C, Landolt M, Rutishauser C, Kriemler S. Effectiveness of an exercise intervention on healthrelated quality of life and well-being in parents from hospitalized children with severe illness: a randomized-controlled trial.Bradshaw, S., Bem, D., Shaw, K. et al. Improving health, wellbeing and parenting skills in parents of children with special health care needs and medical complexity – a scoping review. BMC Pediatr 19, 301 (2019).
Learn more about child development, positive parenting, safety, and health for each life stage.
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. ... A lock ( ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. ... Healthy Habits Data and Statistics Resources for Child Development Positive Parenting Tips Keeping Children with Disabilities Safe View AllThe early years of a child’s life are very important for their health and development. Parents, health professionals, educators, and others can work together as partners to help children grow up to reach their full potential.As a parent you give your children a good start in life—you nurture, protect, and guide them. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for independence.These links will help you learn more about your child’s development, positive parenting, safety, and health at each stage of your child’s life.
Letters: Peter Brown says it’s wrong for parents to make commercial demands of their own children, while Giovanni Fazzolari says charging them rent defies the point. Plus a letter from Kathryn H Amey
It’s shocking to read the venial, commercial demands made on family by your correspondents under the guise of “it’s for your own good”. It doesn’t happen in other cultures. No wonder many British parents are shifted into care homes and left lonely and unvisited. Peter Brown Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire · Why would you charge your own children to live in your home?‘Unless your child is a difficult person to deal/live with, do them a huge favour and axe the rent.’ Photograph: Getty ... Peter Brown says it’s wrong for parents to make commercial demands of their own children, while Giovanni Fazzolari says charging them rent defies the point.Charging them needless rent to maintain their sense of adult dignity is not helpful, and defies the point of them returning to you in the first place. Unless your child is a difficult person to deal with or live with, do them a huge favour and axe the rent.‘Unless your child is a difficult person to deal/live with, do them a huge favour and axe the rent.’ Photograph: GettyView image in fullscreen
I’m not ambivalent about having kids because I’m afraid for their mental health. It’s because I’m afraid for my own
The author as a child with her parents. ‘I’m not the first woman to survive a difficult mother only to worry about becoming her.’ Photograph: Sarah LabrieView image in fullscreenThey’ll all just disappear.” I remember feeling stunned by the implication that, not only would I be abandoned, but that my abandonment was inevitable. I figured whatever made her hate me would make others hate me as well, and so I spent a lot of time alone. In my 20s, I started taking writing seriously and surrounded myself with other people who did too. I found a mentor, built a career, got good health insurance and a decent therapist.But I don’t want a child to take care of me. “Shouldn’t I know by now?” I ask my current therapist. “How did all my friends come out of the pandemic with one or two children while I still can’t decide?” · It’s not that I think people who carry genes for severe mental illness shouldn’t have children, since by that logic I should never have been born.She got a nursing degree, made sure I did well in school, taught me to be confident, disciplined and unafraid. But she’d also been mercurial throughout my childhood and subsequently developed late-in-life schizophrenia, the emotional and physical consequences of which I would not wish on anyone.
Admit it when you're burned out. Take time out from parenting to do things that will make you happy. Focusing on your needs does not make you selfish. It simply means you care about your own well-being, which is another important value to model for your children.
Parenting is incredibly challenging and rewarding. Here are 9 child-rearing tips that can help.Parents who reason with their kids allow them to understand and learn in a nonjudgmental way. Make your expectations clear. If there is a problem, describe it, express your feelings, and invite your child to work on a solution with you. Be sure to include consequences. Make suggestions and offer choices. Be open to your child's suggestions as well.Kids' environments have an effect on their behavior, so you might be able to change that behavior by changing the environment. If you find yourself constantly saying "no" to your 2-year-old, look for ways to alter your surroundings so that fewer things are off-limits. This will cause less frustration for both of you. As your child changes, you'll gradually have to change your parenting style. Chances are, what works with your child now won't work as well in a year or two.Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Let your kids know that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them, even when you don't love their behavior. Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you react negatively to your kids in a given day? You may find yourself criticizing far more often than complimenting. How would you feel about a boss who treated you with that much negative guidance, even if it was well-intentioned?
Armed with this information, organizations like KVC, as well as parents and caregivers, can understand the different challenges families and children may be facing. Legislators can make informed decisions about policy.
Regionally, the upper Midwest has the most states with high rankings in wellbeing, with Appalachian and Southern states continuing to have the lowest rankings. View the full list of state rankings here. KVC Health Systems has a long history of strengthening families, developing parenting skills and equipping families to prevent the need for foster care. For nearly 200 years, we’ve provided heart-centered service to children and families in need, becoming a national leader in mental health and child welfare.The new KIDS COUNT policy report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation describes the top 4 factors that affect child wellbeing.One of our services across our entire network is in-home family support, which aims to ensure that families have the skills needed to safely care for their children, help parents find jobs where they can earn a suitable wage, and work with them to access healthcare. Success out in the world starts with stability at home. In addition to resources aiding children and youth in foster care and reunification, KVC offers mental health services at many of our locations, including the opening of a new Camber Children’s Mental Health facility in Hays, Kansas, at the beginning of 2023 and a joint venture with Children’s Mercy to build a new $53 million mental wellness campus.Education factors are just one piece of the puzzle regarding child wellbeing. Just as economic hardship impacts a child’s ability to succeed educationally, the impact of learning loss on children and teens today will have a ripple effect on the national economy as these youth join the workforce. Today’s young people may not be prepared to take on essential careers as adults, the report states.
Perhaps it may be painful for her to look at why she’s so cold, so she chooses to be in denial, writes Philippa Perry
Perhaps it may be painful for her to look at why she’s so cold, says Philippa Perry, so she chooses to be in denial ... The dilemma I am a happily married mum of three. I love my husband and children and have supportive family and friends and a career which I find fulfilling. So far, so good. My issue is my relationship with my mum. She is in her 70s, and she raised me and my siblings as a single parent.And isn’t it great that whatever has been passed down to her, you are not passing it on to your children? Sometimes a mistake takes another generation to put it right. My book, The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did, may help some more in trying to figure her out.I visit her frequently, but she never comes round to us, even though we invite her. When we were children, Mum would often fly away to exotic locations and we would be left with a relative or friend or, as we got older, at home on our own. I don’t remember Mum ever spending time with us as children or hugging us.If I remind her of a birthday, she tells me to buy a gift on her behalf and say it is from her. We have told Mum in the past that we are hurt; she seems shocked and changes for a few days, then reverts back to how she normally is. I find it exhausting telling her that she hurts our feelings all the time. She is also asking that I take her to appointments more and more often and I fear she expects I will look after her in her old age. Philippa’s answer Apparently, your mother loves other people’s children better than her own.
We've gathered our all-time favorite parenting tips from our board of advisors in one outstanding article that will have a profound effect on your whole family.
Fess up when you blow it. This is the best way to show your child how and when they should apologize. Live a little greener. Show your kids how easy it is to care for the environment. Waste less, recycle, reuse, and conserve each day.Never allow your child to be rude or say hurtful things to you or anyone else. If they do, tell them firmly that you will not tolerate any form of disrespectful behavior. Pass along your plan. Mobilize the other caregivers in your child's life—your co-parent, grandparents, daycare teacher, babysitter—to help reinforce the values and the behavior you want to instill.Teach your baby to sign. Just because a child can't talk doesn't mean there aren't things they'd like to say. Simple sign language can help you know what your baby needs and even how they feel well before they have the words to tell you, which is a great way to reduce frustration.Now we've gathered our all-time favorite nuggets of advice in one place. Broadly speaking, this is what the experts say about how to be a good parent and improve your parenting skills: ... Read on to learn more about what this looks like in practice and how to put these expert tips to good use. Take charge. Children crave limits, which help them understand and manage an often confusing world.
Paid Content Natura I’m a First-Time ... Is the Wellness-Boosting Gift I'm Begging You To Get Every New Parent ... Parenting Advice Growing Visibility of Those Who Are Single Parents By Choice Is Paving the Way for Others Who Want Kids Before Finding a Partner ... Relationship Tips Transgender People Spend Their Entire Lives Educating Others About Their Identities—And That's Exhausting ... Healthy Body Pfizer Says Its Vaccine Is 100% Effective in Children—Here's What ...
Paid Content Natura I’m a First-Time Mom, and *This* Is the Wellness-Boosting Gift I'm Begging You To Get Every New Parent ... Parenting Advice Growing Visibility of Those Who Are Single Parents By Choice Is Paving the Way for Others Who Want Kids Before Finding a Partner ... Relationship Tips Transgender People Spend Their Entire Lives Educating Others About Their Identities—And That's Exhausting ... Healthy Body Pfizer Says Its Vaccine Is 100% Effective in Children—Here's What That Means for the Next School YearWhether you’re a parent or someone’s child, discover tried-and-true parenting advice and tips from experts and parents alike.Parenting Advice Kids Are Being Exposed to Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals in Skin and Hair Care Products, New Research SaysSkin-Care Tips ‘I’m a Dermatologist and a Mom of 3—Here Are the Methods I Swear By for Soothing Eczema in Babies' ... Parenting Advice 'I’m a Trauma Therapist, and This Is Why I Never Force My Kids To Hug Anyone—Including Family Members'
Making time for self-care is essential parenting advice. Qualities of a good parent include unconditional love, attunement, self-reflection, psychological flexibility, and a balanced mindset. How should parents treat their children? Parents should treat their children with love, guidance, and respect. Good parents serve as positive role models. · Below are 10 tips on how to be a good parent who serves as a solid foundation for children’s well...
Making time for self-care is essential parenting advice. Qualities of a good parent include unconditional love, attunement, self-reflection, psychological flexibility, and a balanced mindset. How should parents treat their children? Parents should treat their children with love, guidance, and respect. Good parents serve as positive role models. · Below are 10 tips on how to be a good parent who serves as a solid foundation for children’s well-being and success.Prioritize self-care and recharge. Take time for rest, hobbies, or connecting with friends. A well-cared-for parent creates a balanced environment where you and your baby thrive. Learn About Child Development: New parents often feel confused by conflicting advice.Discover these top 10 parenting tips and advice supported by research to help you be the good parent you want to be.Secure attachment is associated with optimal brain development, according to a 2015 study from Australia titled “Attachment and early brain development neuroprotective interventions in infant caregiver therapy,” by Louise Newman et al., published in Translational Developmental Psychiatry. Securely attached children tend to have better self-esteem, coping strategies, academic performance, and general well-being. Parents’ consistent responsiveness is the key to secure attachment.
Is there an objectively correct ... dividing child care duties? ... Making 10 times more than one’s spouse doesn’t make one 10 times the professional or one-tenth the parent. If someone is fortunate enough to love and feel fulfilled in their job, that job can be a vital contribution to the well-being of the ...
Is there an objectively correct way for how we should be dividing child care duties? ... Making 10 times more than one’s spouse doesn’t make one 10 times the professional or one-tenth the parent. If someone is fortunate enough to love and feel fulfilled in their job, that job can be a vital contribution to the well-being of the household.Parenting advice on child care division, curse words, and being “that single friend.”Well do I remember the time my then-2-year-old got upset and yelled that same word at the top of her lungs. Not to throw myself under the bus, but it was totally my fault. Every parent has a story like this! It’s a rite of passage! (Or maybe that’s just what I tell myself to make myself feel better.) Honestly, this would only be a big problem if your 18-month-old became a habitual cusser, then went to day care and shared her exciting new vocabulary with the other kids.To do our jobs well, they both require about the same amount of time. That means each of us needs to work for 40–50 hours per week. We have two young kids. Our conflict is over who needs to be the primary caregiver during the 60 hours per week when we don’t have child care.
I know you mean well, but there ... the parents operated on the same page and supported each other,” things might possibly be easier. If they could do that right now, they would be doing it. Wading into their marriage and child-rearing quagmire will do nothing to help them but may well damage your friendship irreparably. ... I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: Never give advice to anyone who ...
I know you mean well, but there is absolutely zero chance that your friend doesn’t already know that “if the parents operated on the same page and supported each other,” things might possibly be easier. If they could do that right now, they would be doing it. Wading into their marriage and child-rearing quagmire will do nothing to help them but may well damage your friendship irreparably. ... I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: Never give advice to anyone who hasn’t asked for it, about anything.For the moment—and since this is what you did ask about—I’d concentrate on finding ways to maintain the connection between the children, even as you firmly put some distance between your mean-girl SIL and yourself. ... Help! How can I support Slate so I can keep reading all the advice from Dear Prudence, Care and Feeding, Ask a Teacher, and How to Do It? Answer: Join Slate Plus. ... We are parents of an only child who is 8 years old, kind, funny, and a bit on the spectrum (Asperger’s) so doesn’t always pick up on social cues.Parenting advice on temper tantrums, in-laws, and positive parenting.It’s true that it was unkind of your son’s friend to repeat what his father said (and it’s not great that the parent is teaching the child to be intolerant of others’ differences, that’s for sure). But it seems to me that your son handled this very well on his own.
The former influencer is sentenced to between four and 60 years in prison for abusing her children.
Police said the child then ran to a neighbour's house and asked for food and water. He had lacerations from being tied up with rope, according to police records. ... The arrests marked the end of a long and controversial YouTube career. Franke racked up more than two million subscribers to her channel 8 Passengers, which she started in 2015. It was a boom time for parenting vloggers, and she told a local news outlet that filming with her family helped her "live in the present and just enjoy the kids".A Utah mother whose harsh parenting advice made her a YouTube influencer has been sentenced to at least four years in prison for child abuse.She previously pleaded guilty to starving and abusing her children. She appeared along with her former business partner Jodi Hildebrandt, 54, who received an identical sentence. The judge sentenced them to serve four terms of one to 15 years each. The sentences will run consecutively and are the maximum for each count under Utah law. How much time each will ultimately serve will be determined by the state's parole board.But fans started to become suspicious in 2020, when one of her sons mentioned that he had been forced to sleep on a bean bag for seven months. YouTube viewers combed through her archives and pointed out other disturbing and controversial methods used by Franke - such as withholding food, threatening to chop the head off a toy stuffed animal and "cancelling" Christmas as a punishment. ... A petition started by one demanding an investigation brought in thousands of signatures and Utah's child protection agency was called, although no legal action was taken at the time.
Philip Fisher, director of the ... child care as a public good. “There’s a lot of well-intentioned people who are thinking this is a really good idea, and for those who would benefit from it, it could be,” he said. “Again, there are lots of downsides even in the short term.” · One of those potential pitfalls, he said, is instability if a parent suddenly loses ...
Philip Fisher, director of the Stanford Center on Early Childhood, said doing so could undercut efforts to recognize child care as a public good. “There’s a lot of well-intentioned people who are thinking this is a really good idea, and for those who would benefit from it, it could be,” he said. “Again, there are lots of downsides even in the short term.” · One of those potential pitfalls, he said, is instability if a parent suddenly loses their job and then has to find a new job and new child care.As access to child care evades many parents, employers are trying to fill the void. Despite its convenience and benefits, is on-site child care a short-term...Skyrocketing child care costs and staffing shortages have complicated arrangements for working parents. Some have left their jobs after struggling to find quality care. Employers, in turn, view their entry into the child care realm as both a competitive advantage and a workplace morale-booster. ... “In the absence of government intervention and investment, a lot of businesses have been stepping up to make sure that their employees can access affordable child care,” said Samantha Melvin, an assistant research professor at the Erikson Institute, an independent graduate school for early childhood education.The Care.com survey suggested that 30% of parents would like to see their employers provide on-site day care, while others identified child care subsidies (28%), flexible spending accounts (22%), and backup care (21%) as desirable workplace benefits.
Children need care that promotes positive emotional health and well-being and that supports their overall mental health, including a positive sense of self, as well as the ability to cope with stressful situations, temper emotional arousal, overcome fears, and accept disappointments and ...
Children need care that promotes positive emotional health and well-being and that supports their overall mental health, including a positive sense of self, as well as the ability to cope with stressful situations, temper emotional arousal, overcome fears, and accept disappointments and frustrations. Parents and other caregivers are essential resources for children in managing emotional arousal, coping, and managing behavior.Provision of support by parents helps minimize the risk of internalizing behaviors, such as those associated with anxiety and depression, which can impair children's adjustment and ability to function well at home, at school, and in the community (Osofsky and Fitzgerald, 2000). Such symptoms as extreme fearfulness, helplessness, hopelessness, apathy, depression, and withdrawal are indicators of emotional difficulty that have been observed among very young children who experience inadequate parental care (Osofsky and Fitzgerald, 2000).To respond to the varied needs of their children, parents must develop both depth and breadth of knowledge, ranging from being aware of developmental milestones and norms that help in keeping children safe and healthy to understanding the role of professionals (e.g., educators, child care workers, health care providers, social workers) and social systems (e.g., institutions, laws, policies) that interact with families and support parenting. This section describes these areas of knowledge, as well as others, identified by the available empirical evidence as supporting core parenting practices and child outcomes.That knowledge leads to changes in behavior is further supported in systematic reviews by Bryanton and colleagues (2013) of randomized controlled trials and Middlemiss and colleagues (2015) of studies with various design types, with both groups reporting that increases in mother's knowledge about infant behavior is associated with positive changes in the home environment, as well as improvements in infant sleep time. Specific knowledge about health and safety—including knowledge about how to access health care, protect children from physical harm (e.g., the importance of wearing a seat belt or a helmet), and promote good hygiene and nutrition—is a key parenting competency.
After all, what is the goal when you're dealing with children? To show who's boss? To instill fear? Or to help the child develop into a decent, self-confident human being? Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness, says ...
For example, if your child is a picky eater: "I personally don't think parents should make a big deal about eating," Steinberg tells WebMD. "Children develop food preferences. They often go through them in stages. You don't want turn mealtimes into unpleasant occasions. Just don't make the mistake of substituting unhealthy foods. If you don't keep junk food in the house, they won't eat it." Likewise, the checkout line tantrum can be avoided, says Natale. "Children respond very well to structure.3. Be involved in your child's life. "Being an involved parent takes time and is hard work, and it often means rethinking and rearranging your priorities. It frequently means sacrificing what you want to do for what your child needs to do. Be there mentally as well as physically."You know the checkout line scenario: 3-year-old child wants this toy, this candy, this something -- and they want it nooooow! The crying starts, escalating into a full-blown tantrum. In his new book, The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting, Laurence Steinberg, PhD, provides guidelines based on the top social science research -- some 75 years of studies.After all, what is the goal when you're dealing with children? To show who's boss? To instill fear? Or to help the child develop into a decent, self-confident human being? Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness, says Steinberg.
The average cost of raising a child in the US is $237,482. How are parents spending that money?
‘I refuse to buy my children Golden Goose shoes because I don’t want my 14-year-old wearing shoes that everyone knows cost $600.’ Composite: The Guardian/Getty Images ... The average cost of raising a child in the US is $237,482. How are parents spending that money?In the UK, raising a child costs on average £223,256. But those numbers can feel abstract. So, to get a better understanding of what parenting costs really look like, we asked four sets of parents to break down how much they spend on their child or children per month.Healthcare: Our children have no health insurance. They get sliding fees at Family Health Care. Whenever we go, it’s a $30 copay.We qualify for our county hospital’s assistance program, so her prenatal care and birth cost us nothing. Clothes/toys: We have a $75-100 a month kid budget, and her clothes, toys and other supplies come from that. Almost all her clothes are thrifted. Ditto with any large toy purchases. Christmas and birthday gifts are about $100-$150 total on top of that. Activities: She just started toddler soccer for $60 a month. We can’t really afford it, but she needs to be in a class environment before she starts preschool at three.
Prioritize self-care and recharge. Take time for rest, hobbies, or connecting with friends. A well-cared-for parent creates a balanced environment where you and your baby thrive. Learn About Child Development: New parents often feel confused by conflicting advice.
Making time for self-care is essential parenting advice. Qualities of a good parent include unconditional love, attunement, self-reflection, psychological flexibility, and a balanced mindset. How should parents treat their children? Parents should treat their children with love, guidance, and respect. Good parents serve as positive role models. · Below are 10 tips on how to be a good parent who serves as a solid foundation for children’s well-being and success.Prioritize self-care and recharge. Take time for rest, hobbies, or connecting with friends. A well-cared-for parent creates a balanced environment where you and your baby thrive. Learn About Child Development: New parents often feel confused by conflicting advice.Discover these top 10 parenting tips and advice supported by research to help you be the good parent you want to be.Secure attachment is associated with optimal brain development, according to a 2015 study from Australia titled “Attachment and early brain development neuroprotective interventions in infant caregiver therapy,” by Louise Newman et al., published in Translational Developmental Psychiatry. Securely attached children tend to have better self-esteem, coping strategies, academic performance, and general well-being. Parents’ consistent responsiveness is the key to secure attachment.